so i was enjoying my time at my sisters on the 24th and my brother calls me and tells me that they are going to have a firework show at my house...i thought about it and i wanted to go watch fireworks and chill with my dear friend marci..
so i left my sisters house and went home...when i arrived they already finished letting off fire works..i was quite upset that i came home for NOTHING..but then marci, ang, tawna, and my mom told me all about the stupidest girls that were there...
i guess this one was spred eagle out in the middle of the street lighting fireworks between her legs and when cars would come to pass us..she wouldnt move..PSYCO! then she lighted a roman candle and pointed it towards the allen crew..another stupid move..
so they all left and we were there making fun of them and such and we all decided to go in the and marci went out to my car to get some stuff...and in the lawn there laid the girls skateboard that she had...she left it...we didnt really like the girl so we hid the skateboard in the bushes..and ran away laughing...i just want everyone to know that the skateboard is still hiding in the bushes!!! HA HA take that...annoying girl..